The final piece of the Nexus One puzzle (supposedly) fell into place when Gizmodo and Engadget posted leaked documents purporting to show the Nexus One’s price: $529.99 “unlocked” or $179.99 with a two-year T-Mobile contract and a very specific, limited service plan.
Gizmodo came up with some leaked documents, which tells us about the pricing and network carrier details for the device. To the best of our guesses, as everyone is thinking, Google will sell this phone at These are the leaked documents [image courtesy: Gizmodo]
Nexus One- Leaked Document
These documents confirm two things: that Google will sell it unlocked and unsubsidized for $530, and that Google will sell it by themselves. Other details about the plans are:
If you want it subsidized, you’ll have to sign up for a 2 year mandatory contract and pay $180 for the phone.
There’s only one rate plan: $39.99 Even More + Text + Web for $79.99 total.
If you want the Nexus One unlocked, you have to buy the $530 unlocked version.
If you cancel your plan before 120 days, you have to pay the subsidy difference between what you paid and the unsubsidized price, so $350 in this case, or you can return the phone to Google. You also authorize them to charge this directly to your credit card.
December 31, 2009
The official announcement with all these details has not come till now, but we think it will be very shortly, as the plans were to launch the device was in the Holidays season. However, the device is still not in the market, so an early announcement in January 2010 looks quite possible.
T-mobile, the official carrier for Google Phone, has also confirmed it. Our sources have confirmed that, Google will start selling it on January 5th,2010 at 9 AM, by Google itself. There is no news till now as to when T-mobile will start offering it.
Launch date and pricing:
January 5th,2009 9 AM, according to our sources. Unlocked Nexus One will be available for $530 and subsidized one at $180 with a 2 year mandatory contract.
1st Google Nexus One Video Demo