A lot of Techie WhizKid readers are sending emails asking us How To Enable Photostream hack in Facebook Profile so that that even they can create their own cool facebook profile with their custom image just like the above pic.
Here are some simple Steps by which you can Enable Photostream in Facebook Profile
Method 1
Don’t even want to go through the trouble of using Photoshop? There’s an even simpler way to do it now.
First, you need to find a photo of you that is at least 700x395px in size.
Piccut is a new tool where all you have to do is upload your image and it cuts it for you. Then download the images and put them on Facebook. Really easy, that is.
FbCrop.com is also a good website which crops your selected photo in the desired layout & upload it to Facebook as the new Profile Photo.
PicScatter.com makes it extremely easy to arrange your photo in a manner that it displays the way you want on your Facebook profile. Just upload upload an image with a minimum dimension of 700 X 450. The photo would show up in an interface that’s a replica of Facebook’s new profile design. You can drag it to adjust, use the fit to screen button to reduce or increase the size and also adjust according to the lines of info-text you might have above it on the actual profile. It’s all really simple and easy.
Use Facebook Applications To Create the Photostream Hack in your Facebook Profile
Profile Maker is an application that can make your photos look like Oudin’s profile layout. You can quickly upload a new profile picture, move the photo around inside the frame(s), and then seamlessly “extend” the image across the row of recently-tagged photo.
This works best if you use a photo that either prominently features you, or an image with a panoramic view. Choose something that doesn’t fit either of these descriptions and it might look disjointed when put into the new layout.
It’s a pretty cool and easy trick, and the application easily guides you through the entire process. More and more of these photo apps are popping up, like Photo Magic and Oudinizer. Personally, I found Profile Maker the easiest and quickest way to get the job done.
Method 2
Here are the instructions to execute the photo tag profile stream hack:
- Fire up your favorite image editor (this can be GIMP, Adobe Photoshop, or anything a slightly more advanced than MS Paint).
- Load an image of your choice (our site header was perfect for the job, because it was a wide rectangle).
- Resize its dimensions to 485 by 68 pixels. (you might want to crop some unnecessary bits to make it look better)
- Now cut or crop the image into 5 pieces of 97 by 68 pixels each and save them (obviously, you can achieve this effect with 4, 3 or even just 2 images as well).
- Upload the five pieces to a Facebook album and start tagging yourself in reverse order. That means the part of the image that’s supposed to appear FIRST, should be tagged LAST. And you should start with the right end of the cut-up image. We’ve learned that it’s more accurate to tag yourself while viewing the album normally, instead of in Edit Album mode.
- If everything went well, you’ll have a new, awesome Facebook profile page header!
Method 3
If you’re not too much into playing around with image editors, This is the method for you. Click Here to download this photoshop template that does all the cutting and cropping work for you.
All you need to do is drag and drop the image of your choice on to the template and it will cut into 5 pieces. You then take these images and upload to Facebook, just like before.
Here’s a video tutorial, showing you how it’s done.
Method 4
Just enable Photostream Tickr app in your facebook profile and choose your image from which you want to create the Facebook Photostream & let this app do all the hard work automatically for you. This App with help you not to work on any photo editing software to build up a Tickr Photostream!.
Some Video Tutorials To Help you in Enable You To Create The Photostream Hack For Your Facebook Profile
So there, now you know how to make your Facebook profile page that much cooler. Go ahead, give it a try, and let us know how it turned out. Feel free to share screenshots of your profile pages with Techie WhizKid.
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