Unfortunately in India, We still don’t have any real means for general people to trace a call & it’s location in real time. but atleast there is a silver lining – We can atleast trace the actual location where the mobile number was actually registered from. You can use this technique to know the current city of the caller & the Service Provider.
Please use the following links to trace a mobile phone number in india
BharatiyaMobile – http://trace.bharatiyamobile.com/
HackTrix – http://www.hacktrix.com/trace-mobile-phone-location-and-service-provider-details/
IndiaTrace (You can also use use IndiaTrace to trace Pin Codes, Vehicle Numbers & IP Addresses within India)- http://www.indiatrace.com/index.php
IndiaonPage – http://www.indiaonapage.com/mobilenumbertrace
Hope These sites help you in tracking a location of a mobile phone number in India. Happy Computing Till Next Post.