If you have installed any Facebook Application and no longer want to use it, then here is a simple method to uninstall, remove and delete the facebook application from your facebook profile
How To Uninstall, Delete and Remove Facebook Applications From Facebook Profile
1. After logging in to your Facebook profile, Click Here to Open Facebook Applications Dashboard Page or open this link into your browser – http://www.facebook.com/settings/?tab=applications
2. Click on the application you’d like to remove. If you don’t see the application listed, you can find it by clicking the Edit Settings button towards the top right-hand side of the page
You’ll then see an expanded view of your settings for that application. From here, you can click the “Remove application” link. Once you confirm you’d like to remove the application, it will no longer have access to your data and be removed from your profile, bookmarks, and your Applications and Games Dashboard.
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