Facebook has become the victim of another Spam Attack of Late, n the last couple of days a fake video has been circulating in the Facebook circles, which is a spam attack on the loose. The link prompts you to click on a video that says “the sexiest video ever!:P:P:P”.
It entices the users with Candid Camera Prank and what more, it’s a HQ (high quality) version video! The accompanying image should make most men click it without a second thought. Once the user clicks on the link, the landing page asks the user to sign in again and thereby steals his log in credentials.
Clicking on the video actually redirects you to some oooas_wqqa “Winamp” Facebook application developed by Kiley Hodge. This should be enough of an indicator of a spam app, but if you still go ahead and install the app, it will automatically posts a wall message to your friends as shown in the above image.
In case you have fallen prey to the scam and installed the app, Go to Account on top right tab bar, Click that and select Application Setting under that and remove access to the app named “winamp“.
Blocking This Fake Winamp App should protect your facebook profile and facebook account from “this is without doubt the sexiest video ever! 😛 😛 :P” Spam.
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